
heat wave in india लेबलों वाले संदेश दिखाए जा रहे हैं. सभी संदेश दिखाएं
heat wave in india लेबलों वाले संदेश दिखाए जा रहे हैं. सभी संदेश दिखाएं

शुक्रवार, मई 31, 2024

The burning sky shocked India

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Language English
You know that at this time the Sun is the center of a natural phenomenon. This phenomenon is a solar storm. It is having a direct impact on the Earth. This time the temperature is likely to remain high from the end of May to June 2024. It has reached more than 50 degrees in many places of India. This heat is having a negative effect on the water, land and every living being on the Earth, which is having an adverse effect on collective health.

The human species can bear temperatures up to 37 degrees Celsius.

There is a special mechanism 'homeostasis' in the human body. This mechanism keeps humans safe even in this temperature.

43 to 50 degrees Celsius is such a high temperature, it starts having a fatal effect on our brain cells first.

. Due to extreme temperature, the supply of oxygen in our brain starts decreasing.

[ ] The balance of the brain will deteriorate, unconscious state can occur immediately.

[ ] Brain cells will start getting damaged, which cannot be cured. [ ] Blood cells residing under the skin can burst. Let us know how the increased temperature affects other parts of our body -
In the beginning, we have already told that the first effect of increasing temperature is on our brain.
Brain and nervous system - According to a research, if the temperature is between 46-60 degrees Celsius, then brain cells start getting destroyed as compared to our physical capabilities.
Destruction of cells starts due to accumulation of excessive protein in the cells.
As soon as the mercury reaches 39 degrees Celsius to 42 degrees Celsius, it can start affecting the brain. It starts causing a stroke based on the physical capacity of the person i.e. according to the resistance power of the person.
Due to high temperature, the process of increase in amino acids, bleeding from the brain and sudden increase in proteolysis of neuronal cytoskeleton starts. Due to this, a deep negative effect starts on our brain.
Adverse effects on heart and blood circulation – Due to increase in temperature, the continuity of blood flow in the body and due to heart is fatally affected.
Adverse effects of dehydration on muscles – Balanced flow and availability of nutrients like 70% water and electrolytes is necessary in the body. Due to dehydration and lack of electrolytes in the body due to extreme heat, there is a serious adverse effect on the muscles of the body, which can ultimately be the cause of our death.
Skin – In extreme heat, the formation of spots on the body and bleeding from the weak part of the skin becomes natural.
This causes serious damage to the body.
Respiratory system – A healthy body of an adult breathes 12 to 16 times in a minute, whereas children breathe 25 to 30 times per minute.
But its rate increases during summer. But at temperatures above 40 degrees centigrade, this process becomes even faster. The normal respiratory process is negatively affected by the increase in the frequency of breathing. Which has a direct effect on our lungs and heart. Increase in blood pressure is also seen in such circumstances.

Digestive system – Dehydration and electrolyte imbalance can cause nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. Other micronutrients of the body also start decreasing as a result of dehydration. Their restoration can take from one week to 1 month.

Prolonged stay in temperatures above 50 degrees Celsius can lead to heat exhaustion, heatstroke and even death, if it is not treated immediately.

These measures can be taken to reduce these effects

How to prevent

• A healthy body needs 1.5 liters to 2.5 liters of water according to the person's weight and physical structure. In summer, water starts disappearing from the body rapidly. Normally, when we feel heat above 40 degrees Celsius, we should drink 2 liters to 3 liters of water, and at least once, water with a proportionate mixture of salt and sugar should reach our body. Many methods have been described in Ayurveda and Allopathy to avoid sunstroke. It is necessary to remain in constant touch with your doctors during summers.

• The Government of India has prepared ORS packets recommended by the World Health Organization (WHO) in government hospitals. This has proved to be much more effective than the ORS available in the market. Its adequate availability has been ensured by the Government of India and the state governments in every village and among health workers and Anganwadis.

• In the past, workers used to use onion, jaggery, salt and water. Dehydration can occur repeatedly in laborious work. Therefore, what nutrients should be consumed in adequate quantities like workers.

• To avoid dehydration and to conserve physical energy, we should avoid sunlight. To avoid sunlight, it is necessary to wear light coloured clothes, as far as possible white clothes, white cap or cap made of cotton. These clothes work as heat reflectors.

Before leaving the house, apart from wearing a safa cap on the head, one should eat a full meal and drink water. Also, one should carry an onion with oneself.

Onion acts as a protective shield against the heat and radiations of the current solar storm hitting your body.
Language Hindi,


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