Savyasachi Kala Group
969/1 Gate No.4 Wright Town,Jabalpur
Phone’s: 9926471072, 9826143980,0761-2404900
969/1 Gate No.4 Wright Town,Jabalpur
Phone’s: 9926471072, 9826143980,0761-2404900
The Collector
Jabalpur District
Sub: Submission of collected amount for polio suffering children in
connection with Lifeline Express
Respected Sir,
With due respect. This is to bring to your notice that we have a collection of the album Baware Faqira which was launched on 14th March’09 at Manas Bhawan. We are remitting this collection to ‘Indian Red Cross Society’ through you for the above mentioned object. Kindly accept the Pay Order No:093603 of Corporation Bank dated 17th March’09 for rupees 25,000.00 (in words Rs. Twenty five thousand only) your cooperation in this object is soliciated
Thanking you
Yours faithfully
Sunil Pare
Savyasachi Kala Group